En el siguiente enlace encontrarás varios cuentos para practicar tu inglés y la lectura. Ánimo and let's learn!
Stories and tales
DÍA DEL COLEGIO - 25 de marzo
Hello guys! March 25th is the Day of the School . I think that a good way to celebrate it would be to learn a few things about how British schools work. Do you know in which year would you be if you were studying in England? Guess it!
- ¿ Hasta qué edad estudian los niños en Inglaterra Primaria? ¿Cómo se puede llamar la escuela en Primaria? (dos opciones)
- ¿ Con cuántos años terminan los niños ingleses la educación secundaria?
- ¿Qué significa Sixth form? ó ¿A qué equivale en España?
- ¿Cómo se llama los colegios públicos en Inglaterra?
- ¿Cómo se llaman los colegios privados?
- ¿A los 15 años los niños ingleses tienen que ir obligatoriamente al colegio?
- Si tú estuvieras estudiando en Inglaterra, 1º ESO ¿ A qué curso equivaldría? ¿ Cómo se llama tu curso en su sistema?
- Di las asignaturas que estudian los niños en G. Bretaña en la tercera etapa (key stage 3)
Blas Infante. Día de Andalucía
As you all know, on February 28th we celebrate the day of Andalucía. Yes, it is a wonderful moment to learn few things about Andalucian history and about an important Andalucian figure, Blas Infante.
Two sisters and the Cat!!
The English speaking world
February 14th is Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is a day for romance and love. It is also a day for fun! You see a lot of romantic symbols on Valentine’s Day. Some romantic symbols you may see include roses (because roses are thought to be a romantic flower), Cupid (a little boy who can make people fall in love with his special bow and arrow), and hearts. Hearts are probably the most common Valentine’s Day symbol. People make pictures in the shape of a heart. People buy candles and balloons and many other things in the shape of a heart. You can even find candy in the shape of a heart! On Valentine’s Day, people give cards and presents to each other. The cards are called valentines. Some people buy the cards. Other people make the cards. The presents might be something small and sweet or something big and dramatic. Some people get engaged (promise to marry each other) on Valentine’s Day. Some schools have valentine parties. The students give each other valentines. They eat1. Read the following text about Valentine's Day and then click HERE to do the comprenhension activities:
The Peace Day with John Lennon!
Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
And no Hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no country
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
Maybe someday you will join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
Or Brotherhood of Man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
And maybe someday you will join us
And the world will be as one
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
Maybe someday you will join us
And the world will be as one.
Repasa el present continous.
What are you doing now? Tell me...
Lee el siguiente texto. Cópialo en un documento de word y tradúcelo con ayuda del siguiente diccionario: www.wordreference.com
The plane is enormous - it's nearly 35 metres high and 75 metres long. To give you a better idea of its size, try imagining ten buses placed on top of each other for nearly an entire football field (a field measures 90 metres)! The wings on the Airbus are long enough to park 70 cars on! There are also 500 kilometres of cables.
When it is full, the Airbus will carry 853 passengers - that's over 300 more than today's jumbo jets. Inside the plane there's going to be lots of space for people to relax and travel in comfort. There are also going to be cinemas, bars, shops, and even a gym with showers!
The Airbus A380 is going to take holidaymakers between London Heathrow and Changi airport in Singapore.
Passenger - pasajero
Wings - alas
Engine - motor
Holidaymakers - turistas
Después de leer este texto continúa con las siguientes actividades. Cópialas en un documento de word o en un archivo de texto y mándalo a mi dirección.
a) Is the Airbus A380 big or small?
b) Is the plane going to be comfortable for passengers?
2. Read the text again and decide if the sentences are true or false.
a) The Airbus flights started last autumn.
b) There is a football field on the plane.
c) There are parking spaces in the plane.
d) Jumbo jets carry more passengers than the airbus.
e) People can watch films on the plane.
f) The engines don't make much noise.
3. Vocabulary. Find the opposites of these words in the text.
a) smallest
b) last
c) very small
d) empty
e) outside
f) noisy
Claudio and Thul
Hi, my name's Chul and I come from Korea. I'm a businessman and I work in Seoul. I'm married and have two children, Min-Jee - a girl, and Dak-Ho a boy. I like in a small house in the suburbs. I take the subway to work from Monday to Friday. I like playing golf in my free time. I don't like singing karaoke!
Take the QUIZ about Claudio and Chul to check your understanding.
These two reading selections focus on basic descriptions with the verb 'to be'. You can learn more about the verb 'to be' HERE.
My friend Peter
My friend's name is Peter. Peter is from Amsterdam, in Holland. He is Dutch. He is married and has two children. His wife, Jane, is American. She is from Boston in The United States. Her family is still in Boston, but she now works and lives with Peter in Milan. They speak English, Dutch, German and Italian! Their children are pupils at a local primary school. The children go to school with other children from all over the world. Flora, their daughter, has friends from France, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden. Hans, their son, goes to school with students from South Africa, Portugal, Spain and Canada. Of course, there are many children from Italy. Imagine, French, Swiss, Austrian, Swedish, South African, American, Italian, Spanish and Canadian children all learning together in Italy
Crossword Time!
Enjoy the following crossword. Remember to note the vocabulary on you notebook.